The Scavenger Hunt

Tonight was Halloween and it was an Average Cold Night, Around 53.5-degrees or So. I was just Sitting down on my couch, after finishing pasting out candy to all the kids, that came by to my House. I Was flipping through the channels one by one, with an uninterested expression on my face. After a while I Stopped, When I heard a knock at my door. With a grudge, I got up and opened the door to find my two best friends standing there.
“Hey, Buddy. Wanna go out and trick or treat with us?”
“Sure, i have nothing better to do anyways”
Grabbing a Bag and my phone, I left my house and shut the door behind me. Going with my friends, with anything they have in store for this night. After a While of walking around, going to house, From House. The sounds of children's laughter died down. I looked at my phone and seen it was getting late.
“Hey, guys it's getting late. I should really get going”
“Ah, but you're going to miss out on the best part! The haunted house”
“Haunted house?”
“Yeah, there is an abandoned house around here. People say is haunted”
“I would love to check out that place, but it's getting pretty late”
“Ah man, come on. Just stay with us a little While more!”
“Fine, a little more hours won't hurt”
My Friends Then Grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to them, guiding me this to abandoned place. Dragging me through the woods and under some tree branches. They then stopped in their tracks and what laid in front of us, was a tall and dark house, with vines growing around it and parts of the house was broken and laying on the ground.
“Wow this place is a mess”
“I know, isn't it? Amazing! Let's go inside”
Stepping inside with my friends, I was hit with a Foul smell and took a look around, seeing rust on everything and the walls covered in spider webs and broken items all over the floor and newspaper clippings that date back to 1998. I was interested in seeing more of this house, so I decided to leave from where my friends were and go explore by Myself, hoping to find some treasure or something like that.
As I was walking around by myself, I came across an interesting room. The Room had a Little Alter with a Crescent moon on it and a circle around it with used candles and on the walls there were words in red, it looked like paint or something like that, but I could not read what it said. It was in some kind of language.
As I was walking around this little room, observing everything. I came across a dent in the wall, I pulled it back to reveal a hidden door. I looked into this Passageway and tried to see past the darkness. But, all I could make out or see was a staircase leading upwards.
Taking a Deep breath, I grabbed my phone and turned it on, to use it as a source of light. I started walking upwards, until I got to the top. There laid broken Furniture and mirrors, with papers torn everywhere and a single black box, that caught my eye. It was Painted like the night sky with stars around it and a small crescent on top. I picked it up with my hands and dust it off and tried to get it open, without any luck. Frustrated, I looked around Me. Making sure no one was watching and then I placed it in my bag. Hoping to get it opened when I get home.
I Then heard my friends calling my name, I rushed back down to where I was and seen a lone figure standing in the circle, where the Alter used to Be. Thinking it was just another Person wanting to see this place to. I went up to them and seen they were wearing a dark red button dress with grayish black combat boots and a black cloak covering them and a scythe on Her back.
“Are you here by yourself?”
The Figure then looked up at my Face, with Dark black hair coming out from her cloak and a White mask covering her face with a wide smile on it and a crescent Moon on the right eye and said in a sweet, yet dark tone.
“Yes, I am”
“So, What do you think of this place?”
“It's, Nice.”
“So, why are you here?”
“I am just Having a Look around, this Area and Seeing everything, there is to see in this place”
“So, Do you Want to Chat with me? For a bit? My friends won't mind if I stay for a while longer”
“Alright, Sure”
After a while of Chatting with Her, I told her I had to go and get back with my friends. But, before I could go she handed me a note with Some odd Numbers on it and a signature on it in red, with the name Night on it. Thinking this was her Phone Number, I kept it.
“Dude where were you?”
“I was just talking with some girl”
“What girl? All we heard was you talking to yourself”
Thinking They just did not see her, I shrugged it off And Left with them. While we were Leaving, I thought I heard a girl giggle. It Sounded Close, but not to close And the sound was so low, I could not make out where and My Friends did say the place was haunted, but I did not see a ghost. I ignored it, thinking it was my mind. I was Tired from walking and just wanted to get home and see what this box is.
After a long time of walking back through the woods, it started to rain. We then started to run through the woods, so we won't get wet. By the time we got out of the woods, our feet was covered in mud, and we were also, Covered from head to toe in rain water. But, we kept walking till we got to my house.
“Thanks, For Dropping me off at my house, Guys”
“Your Welcome, See you tomorrow”
After we said our goodbyes, I shut the door behind them. I then went to my bedroom and sat down at my desk with my bag and brought out, the black box. I Looked at the box all around it and seen it had a Combination lock on it. Frustrated, I put down the box. Then a second later, my phone rang. I Picked it up and heard a dark, yet sweet voice. But, it also sounded a bit distorted.
“Do You Want to Play”
“Who is This?”
“Just a Someone, you May know”
“How did you get my number”
“Numbers are just Numbers, Things are not Meant to be Asked”
“its not funny, I am going to call the police”
“Try it, it won't work. They won't believe you”
After hanging up and filled of anger. I Tried to phone the police. But, every time I would try to call them. They Would Tell Me, This Line is for Emergency's only and That They Don't Believe me And Think, I am just a Prank Caller and that if I call again without a real Emergency, I could be Charged. I gave up after that and just blocked the number. I kept trying to open the box. But with every attempt I make, It fails. No matter how many numbers I put in, the Box Won't open. Frustrated and angered, I put my head down on my desk in frustration. Then I heard my phone ring again, this time with a different number.
“I Know your Trying to Open That Box”
“How do you know?”
“I Can See You”
“How, Are you able to see me?”
“Won't tell you that. Take the note and open the box, or your friends will meet a sad end. Once you open the box. I can tell you more.
“Is this some sick joke? Its not funny”
Just then I was sent a picture of my two-friends duck tapped and tied to a chair with blind folds on their eyes. As I saw the picture, I was Shaken and scared. I slowly placed the phone back to my face and spoke into it again.
“Who or What are you?”
“Who or what I am, is not of your concern. If you want your friends back, you will have to play a game with me.”
“What game?”
“Open the box with the note and find out”
I Did as I was told and grabbed the paper with the numbers on it and imputed the numbers into the lock. The Lock opened and inside was a picture of a tree on it and on the back it read. Find the limbs, before sunrise. Confused, I rubbed my head. Wondering what those words meant. Just then the same voice spoke again.
“To Find The Limbs, look to where the tree lays. The limbs will show you the way to me”
Before I could speak, the caller hanged up, I tried calling again. But, every time I tried. I would get a dead phone line. I got up from my desk and grabbed my phone and went out to the one place. The tree may be at, The Woods.
As I was walking thorough the woods, I thought i seen a shadow dash across the grassy ground, it looked like a tall figure on its Hind legs with long and sharp claws. But, it was too dark to see anything and the moonlight was casting shadows on everything. So, I could not really tell. I kept walking, for what seems like for ages and I stopped at a big tree and by it was a shovel. Just then I was, sent a text message.
“Use The Shovel and Dig up The First Limb”
Doing as I was, told. I picked up the shovel and dug it right into the wet ground. I kept digging, Until I hit something hard. I Dropped the Shovel and Started to clear out the dirt and was hit with a foul smell of a rotting corpse. But, it looked fresh and there was a note on it. After Throwing Up, I Read The Note.
“Find the Pond and you will find the next clue”
I Got Up from where I was kneeling and went to find where the pond was. I Remember, passing by one earlier. I Then traced back my steps, to where I found it. As I got closer to the pond, I could make out a skull floating in the waters. My Phone Beeped with a new message.
“The Skull is Hollow and The Pound is its outer shell, find the place. You first got the box”
I Quickly got up and headed for the house, with anger and fear for what happened to my friends. I Moved Through the Woods. Remembering the path to it and as I was climbing through the grassy dirt hills. I Saw Two purple glowing eyes from out under a tree. Scared and unnerved. I Ran. I Ran as fast as my legs could take me, all the way to that house and as I got to the house I slam open the door and as I got inside, I was hit with the same foul smell. Only this time, it smelled fresh. I Knew I had to find my Friends, so. I looked all over the house and knew that last place to look, was that odd little room with the secret room in it.
As I was getting closer to the room, the foul smell gotten stronger. I Slowly pushed open the door and in the room laid a Mask, where the girl stood before and on the ground was hand prints in blood and a knife on The ground, like a ritual just took place. Also, on the walls there were words that read.
I am Her and She is Me.
I Moved Around the mess and opened the door with all my might to the secret room and turned on my phones light and walked back up the flight of stairs. As I was walking up the stairs, the smell got worse by the second. As, I Reached The Top I was Hit by a gruesome Sight. There lay My Friends in a Pile on The Ground, Torn to Shreds with their stomach ripped opened and their entrails out.
I Quickly Ran out of Fear out of The Room and all the way down the stairs. But, before I could get all the way out of the room. I Was Stopped By Something Big With Sharp Teeth and Long Sharp Claws, with Long Dark Hair And Pointed Ears, with horns on its head. With perishing Purple eyes Staring at me.
I Then Quickly Grabbed The Knife that was on the ground, to try defend myself. As the Creature tried to Claw at me. I Kept trying to doge it, hoping to stop it in its tracks. But, as the fighting kept going. It Seemed to keep getting smarter, Matching its movements with mine.
The Creature Then Swung at me Hard and I dropped the knife. I Tried to pick it up, but the thing stopped me before I could. Every Time I tried to grab the knife, it would swat it away and growl at me. I Tried to Run, but that thing was Fast. It Caught up to me and with a final swing of its claw, it cut me. I Tried to keep my balance and keep awake. But, as I saw the sun rise.
The Creature in a Deep and menacing voice, then said.
“Times Up”